Sunday, April 28, 2013


Hurting so bad. Hard to concentrate and get anything done. The visible swelling has gone down, but still extremely inflamed and sore and getting deep bone throbbing pain from surgery area and sinuses. Sinus pressure is starting to feel like it wants to turn into a migraine, and the pain is radiating through my entire face on both sides and into eye sockets. It gets bad like this sometimes from the Fibro/TMJ, and worse when bad weather rolls through. But on top of the surgery pain and inflammation from them digging into my jaw bones... ughghgghg. The Vicoprofen helps somewhat, but only if I take a whole pill, and then it aggravates my autonomic stuff and I start having vertigo spells my other meds can't control. Just moving around about the house trying to do little things has been challenging and frustrating. The rest of my body is getting random throbbing pain and sore as well. And I'm supposed to go back to work tomorrow.

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