Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Gift Giving Ideas

I make a lot of different things that would make wonderful gifts, all of them unique and one of a kind. Please consider buying from and supporting a local artist this year for your holiday purchases.

Etsy Shop ( Some finished items for sale; I have a ton more where this came from not listed here ):


Art Gallery ( Examples of different things I can make):


Share with others, spread the word.



I confirmed that my unemployment benefits end next week. After that I will have no source of income to buffer being without a job. I can't even try reapplying until after the 5th of Jan 2013. In a *very* bad place right now. I have been job searching since before January 2012 when I knew I was facing getting laid off from the job I was working.

I still haven't been able to pay off Wasabi's vet bill, or afford certain medical stuff I need, or pay off pre-existing bills from such so I can go back to even see my doctors. I don't have health insurance ( tried applying for local state aid and they denied me and now fighting with them over that ), so I can't afford any out of pocket expenses to see these doctors ( upwards of $300 for a consult visit at Mayo ).

I have a hefty medical bill wracked up from all the procedures they had to do on me, and they basically want a certain portion of it paid before they'll see me again, which includes being able to get refills on my prescriptions. I am on a beta-blocker and an SSRI for my Dysautonomia and Fibromyalgia. These types of medications you *can not* just stop taking cold turkey.

I also desperately need to go back to my dentist to have some work done on damaged teeth, which are now starting to get infected like what happened last year when I had to have work done. She started to work on these others to try and help me so I would not be in pain and could hopefully last till I got a new job, but I didn't have enough money to finish it.  Now I don't have insurance/coverage, and same situation as above, I owe them some money that my previous insurance did not cover, and I cannot go back to see them until I pay that off.

I know stuff is hard for everyone. But really, is $5 plus shipping ( normal cheapest price I have for some items ) that much to ask for a little piece of original art, knowing you are helping support a local artist so she has a place to live, food in her mouth, and can afford her medicine and related bills?

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