Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Oral Surgery Needed - Please Read, Pass Along

Please take the time to read this post ( and accompanying links ) fully, as all details and methods that have already been tried are described within.

I am still trying to raise money so I can have this desperately needed oral surgery done. So far from a few people buying art and jewelry from me, and a few generous donations, I currently have $300 to put toward the procedure.

To answer all the questions I know I will get in advance and have already gotten: Yes, I have applied for state medical aid and have been waiting, and waiting, and I am still waiting and it may be another month or more before I find out if they'll approve it.  I have tried reaching out and searching for local groups, charities, etc that might be able to help and so far not had any luck.  I don't have anyone else left *to ask*, that I have not already asked. The only reason I have not tried a kickstarter or gofundme or similar thing yet is because of lack of response I got from trying to ask for help before, when I was offering art and things I make in return for money offered.
I can't go to any non-hospital oral clinic to have this done because it is *not* a normal extraction. I have 3 complicated extractions that need to be done, and due to health issues ( heart rate and blood pressure issues ) I have no choice but to be under hospitalized monitored care for the IV-sedation. Non-hospital clinics will *not* do the work because in my situation it is potentially life threatening if they did and something went wrong.

I am unemployed and without insurance right now, my unemployment benefits ran out last month. I have asked at all the oral surgery places I have gone to trying to get this taken care of, and none of them have told me that any free clinics or dental schools exist anywhere nearby. There might be something 2hrs+ away from here, but none of them are free.

I am currently on antibiotics and narcotic pain killer because regular over the counter pain meds stopped working to relieve the pain. I tried weaning myself off the pain killer after being on the antibiotics for a few days, but as soon as it gets out of my system, the pain comes back so sharply I literally see red at points. If I take too much Vicoprofen, I am a zombie, and if I don't take enough, I can't function because of the pain. I have Fibromyalgia,Myofascial Pain Syndrome, and Dysautonomia, so I feel pain much more severely than normal people. This problem has made it difficult to eat and severely disrupted my sleep ( it wakes me up from dead sleep with nerve pain throbbing ), and lack of sleep is causing my other health issues to flare up.

My current balance with Mayo Clinic is at $1,151.63 from previous medical testing, surgery procedures, etc. That is what I owe them before they will allow any new procedures/testing/medical visits.

My oral surgery referral to the hospital is pending, so I am waiting to hear back on an exact price since it will be 3 difficult extractions + anesthesiology costs and hospital monitoring costs.

The original quote I was given for 2 normal extractions in non-hospital clinic was at $1,365 minimum. So now that it is 3 difficult extractions under monitored conditions and IV-sedation because of my medical conditions ( heart rate and blood pressure issues ), I imagine it will cost quite a bit more. Maybe twice as much, but they have not told me exact cost yet.

You can read a little more about it and see a picture of how bad it is here ( this was before xrays were taken):

And another post here ( this is after xrays and oral surgeon told me I would have to be referred to hospital ):
I realize people are probably doubtful that I could raise the necessary funds, which may be why hardly anyone offered ( aside from the obvious not having anything to give). I don't expect anyone to shell out the full amount, I don't even expect anyone to give more than $50 if even that. I am *not* asking for a free hand out.I want to sell my art, jewelry, sculptures, dreamcatchers, pyrography, real media paintings, etc or anything else I can make, or offer some form of gratitude art in return for help offered.I have been trying, and trying, and trying to sell my art and everything in between so people feel like they are at least getting something in return. If 20 people spent $50 for art or whatever, that'd be $1,000 right there. Granted most people can probably only afford $20. But reverse those numbers, and if 50 people got $20 of art, still $1,000 toward the cost.

You can see examples of things I have made on my DevArt gallery:

You can also see some things I have for sale in my Etsy store:

I will be posting more finished art and buy-able things over the next few days.

My PayPal Address is:

These are only examples of the many different things I can make. I am willing to try *anything* at this point, even things I might not normally do. Please feel free to ask if you'd like something made that you don't see in the gallery or shop.

I think if I can at least come up with the $1,151, I might be able to talk Mayo's billing department into letting me have the work done, and hopefully not demanding payment for the procedure up front since they know I am unemployed and without insurance.
I always feel guilty having to try and sell my art soul and then beg and borrow from friends or family for stuff like this. I feel like a burden on everyone, and I am sure people are tired of hearing about it, even if the circumstances are different this time. All the money I have had to waste on my medical issues, medical testing and procedures, and medications. I can't describe how much I hate myself and sometimes wonder if I'd be better off not existing at all.

I *greatly* appreciate anyone wishing to help, in any way you can help. Even if you cannot help financially, please take a moment to re-post this? Maybe someone out there is still looking to donate to a good cause for the holiday, and might see it.

Heartfelt thanks for taking the time to read this. Sorry if any of it was disjointed, but my brain is foggy from the combo of pain and pain meds.

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