Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Tons of geekery

Here, have a ton of nifty science to fill your brain.

Very awesome article. Makes me idly wonder if part of my time perception issue ( not sensing passage of time ) is because I am in some hyper active state of awe ( I do experience such emotions and feeling very frequently, getting that awe inspiring sensation from things apparently most people don't from what I have been told), and how all of that ties in with my Dyscalculia on the neuroscience side of things.

Spiffy little genetics article. King cheetahs are love!

Spiffy feet! Also, is it sad that I can identify what species each of these are by their feet? The green one in the bottom I don't think is a gecko, but actually a green anole.

( version for non Facebook users )

Everything is better, with lasers!  Using Precisely-Targeted Lasers, Researchers Manipulate Neurons in Worms' Brains and Take Control of Their Behavior

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