Sunday, August 14, 2016

Stupid Computer

Spent the last few days fighting with my computer again.  Just when I was getting everything back in order from the hard drive crash where I lost data and art and things, Windows decides to self destruct itself so badly that it screwed up my boot sector.  I couldn't even access recovery mode or anything similar, nor could I rebuild the boot and registry data.

So all the programs that I had installed on my second drive in case something like this happened.... nope, won't work now.  I have to do everything all over again.  I only lost a handful of things I had saved to my desktop. I got into the habit of moving everything over to my non-OS drives. I don't think I lost anything important except for video edits, or I just haven't realized anything else is missing yet.

Unfortunately this reinstall is glitching out on updates and hanging. Which means I have to reinstall AGAIN.  I haven't bothered to reinstall any of my programs except Photoshop and stuff I need specifically to get ready for the trip.  Which is aggravating because I can't use my other editing programs or Painter as I had planned.  I will get this stuff edited and posted, once my computer stops sabotaging my progress.  When I get back from the trip to OKC I am going to wipe it clean and install, make sure everything is stable, reinstall all my drivers and programs, and ghost the damned drive and make backup points.  I should have this last time around. Live and learn.

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