Thursday, February 18, 2016

Preparing For Battle

I have been a little scarce recently. Taking care of medical related stuff.  I am finalizing my Disability/Medicaid application process next week.  I will be going in person with faithful Ember at my side to present my 3inch+ thick folder of medical records and documents, letters of support ( thanks again to those who wrote them ), and fully detailed write-up of my conditions and their effects on activities of daily living and how they adversely effect my ability to work for gainful employment ( lack thereof ) or enjoy activities the way I could before my body decided to try and self destruct.  I am going in fully expecting I will be denied the first time and will have to appeal. They normally almost always deny you the first time, even if you have a metric ton of supporting evidence like I do.  If by some miracle I get approved on the first try, it will be so totally unexpected I will implode from sheer relief and happiness.  I won't hold my breath though.  Thoughts, prayers, luck, and well wishes are greatly appreciated!

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